About Us

The Healthy Pill is European Genuine Over The-Counter
Pharmacy Online Shop

We work hard to provide you with the high quality European Over-The-Counter medicine

It is a long-established fact that the availability and cost of essential medicines can vary significantly across different countries. There are a number of factors that can contribute to this, including differences in healthcare systems, regulatory environments, and the market power of pharmaceutical companies.


One issue that has been widely documented is the high price of some essential medicines in certain countries, particularly those that are developed or marketed by major pharmaceutical companies. These companies often have significant patent protections and other intellectual property rights that allow them to charge higher prices for their products. In some cases, these high prices may make it difficult for people in low- and middle-income countries to access the medications they need.


 Due to this well – known fact, we have decided to create an online Over-The-Counter medicine shop. This gives people an equal opportunity to buy the same medicine no matter where they are from. We offer people a genuine original and high quality European Over-The-Counter medicine.


 The products we are offering is from the same medicine companies that supplies the local Lithuanian street pharmacy shops. Because of this, all the products in the store are approved certified and genuine. Most of the products depending on its type, has a long expiration date of 2+ years.

 We believe that all people deserve to have an equal opportunity on every aspect in life!

Healthy Pill